Thursday, July 31, 2014

More Memes. Inspired by True Events.

I gave the final exam in my night class tonight which gave me both inspiration and lots of time.  Here are a few more memes inspired by true events. 

My thoughts while copying the test:

Walking into the room:

 After a few minutes in the room:

Me, talking to friends after the exam:

And we all have students like this from time to time:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Science Teacher Memes

I spent some time recently putting together a few memes to help my students understand concepts like lab safety and science process.  Here are a few of my favorites.

 These memes and over 30 others can be found in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

ALL Dinosaurs had feathers?

Image credit: Andrey Atuchin


We all know that Tyrannosaurus rex was an enormous theropod dinosaur with huge teeth that, were it alive today, would cause serious pants wetting problems in all who happened across one.  Also, it had feathers and was probably adorable as a baby.  Admittedly the adorableness is pure speculation on my part, but the feathers are fairly well documented and, although mind blowing, significantly less speculative.   

 A few newly discovered fossils suggest an even more mind blowing idea, namely that ALL dinosaurs had feathers.  That's right.  The new findings suggest that all dinosaurs - not just the cute and cuddly ones like T. rex - might have been feathered.  Significant research still needs to be done to confirm this, but if this is true then the special effects in the new Jurassic Park movie are going to need a serious redo.

Thanks to IFLScience for the story.